Future Demand (Employment Projections) - Featured Image

Future Demand (Employment Projections)

With funding and support from the United States Employment and Training Administration (ETA), KYSTATS produces estimates of how occupations are expected to change over time. This includes the number of job openings expected to be generated from economic growth, workers exiting the workforce, or workers transferring to new occupations. Estimates are produced for five and ten year horizons.
File Contents
Occupational Outlook This interactive dashboard explores 2022-2032 long-term occupational projections for Kentucky and its Local Workforce Areas, augmented with education and training requirement data.
Kentucky Future Skills Report A dashboard designed to allow users to explore medium-term (five year) demand by occupation, as well as the historic supply of credentialed workers.
2022-2032 KY Occupational Outlook (Estimates) Long-term occupational projections estimates at the statewide and Local Workforce Area levels.

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