
The Kentucky Center for Statistics (KYSTATS) collects and links data to evaluate education and workforce efforts in the Commonwealth. This includes developing reports, responding to research requests, and providing statistical data about these efforts so policymakers, agencies, and the general public can make better informed decisions.

Kentucky Apprenticeship Report

July 2024

This interactive dashboard summarizes program data entered or uploaded into the Registered Apprenticeship Partners Information Database (RAPIDS). View data for employment, wages, and demographic composition of apprentices, filtering by apprenticeship status and Federal Fiscal Year (FFY).

Career and Technical Education Employer Connector

July 2024

The Career and Technical Education (CTE) Employer Connector helps employers and educators find CTE programs closest to them. Users can filter information such as total current enrollment, eligible co-op students, and 12th grade enrollment by program, region, and distance.

High School Feedback Report

July 2024

This series of PDF reports provides comparative information about the college-going and college success patterns of Kentucky students by high school.

Workforce Overview Report for Kentucky Regions (WORKR)

July 2024

This interactive quarterly report provides a snapshot of Kentucky's workforce at the state and local levels by bringing together data from Kentucky's Labor Market Information branch.

Legislative District Dashboard

May 2024

This interactive report displays data for legislative districts. Topics covered in this report include a variety of economic, health, housing, and education metrics. Users are able to compare legislative districts and counties. Trends are displayed for many metrics for legislative districts.

Kentucky Commuting Patterns Report

March 2024

Nearly 2 million people commute to or from Kentucky for their primary job — where are they going? This interactive report shows commuting patterns for each county in Kentucky, allowing users to view where people are coming from and going to for work.

Kentucky Future Skills Report

March 2024

This interactive report provides data to help Kentuckians answer the following: How many jobs will Kentucky need to fill during the next five years? What will those jobs pay? Do we have the right mix of workers and skills to fill those jobs? Also, new to this report is the expanded demand section “Specific Occupations,” which provides a profile for each selected occupation and a sortable list within each area of Kentucky.

Dual Credit Feedback Report

February 2024

This interactive report examines outcomes for high school graduates that attempted dual credit at a Kentucky Community and Technical College System or 4-Year postsecondary institution. The first dashboard displays the percent attempting dual credit by gender, race/ethnicity, and free and/or reduced lunch status. The second dashboard shows college-going and success metrics.

Occupational Outlook

January 2024

This interactive dashboard explores 2021-2031 long-term occupational projections for Kentucky and its Local Workforce Areas, augmented with education and training requirement data.

Life Outcomes for High School Experiences

January 2024

This interactive report is part of the Life Outcomes Series and examines the relationship of high school experiences and 2022 educational and wage outcomes for 2015 high school graduates.

Adult Education Feedback Report

January 2024

This interactive report provides data about adult education metrics for Kentucky Local Providers and the state as a whole. Education and workforce outcomes were analyzed for cohorts of students enrolled in Kentucky Adult Education. Local Provider Ranking trends, provided by the Office of Adult Education, are displayed on the last dashboard.

Kentucky Students' Right to Know

January 2024

This interactive report was designed to help prospective students make more informed decisions about their futures and ensure that they are adequately aware of career paths, employment outcomes, and the cost of college.

High School Feedback Report

January 2024

Postsecondary credentials are increasingly serving as prerequisites for high-paying jobs in growing sectors of the economy. Are Kentucky students successfully graduating from high school, earning credentials, and gaining employment? This interactive report allows users to explore data to help answer these questions.

Early Childhood Workforce

January 2024

The Early Childhood Workforce Dashboard examines workforce traits and trends regarding Kentucky’s early child care education instructors. This dashboard examines overall student and instructor counts, teacher preparatory program completion rates, instructor turnover rates, and what areas of employment instructors tend to move into if they change jobs. These figures are filterable by Public Preschool Instructors and Head Start Instructors.

Early Childhood Profile

August 2023

The Early Childhood Profile provides data about early childhood metrics in each Kentucky county. The report allows users to view kindergarten readiness scores from 2014-2023 and to match third grade reading and math scores to the same cohort of kindergarten students through the 2019 academic year. It also provides information about local access to high-quality early childhood programs and enrollment numbers for child care programs in all 120 counties.

Teacher Equity Report

August 2023

The Kentucky Teacher Equity Report is an interactive dashboard that presents different perspectives on the educational workforce. The report includes a breakdown of student and teacher demographics during the 2021-2022 Academic Year. It also provides an observation of the Career and Technical Education teaching and learning career pathway in Kentucky high schools and describes the diversity in these enrollments.

Multi-State Postsecondary Report

June 2023

This interactive report connects postsecondary graduates from Indiana, Kentucky, and Ohio with in-state and out-of-state employment outcomes from Indiana, Kentucky, Ohio, and Tennessee. Users can explore the connection between employment outcomes associated with institutions, credential level, major group, specific major, student origin, and demographics.

Teacher Workforce Pipeline

June 2023

The Teacher Workforce Pipeline is a user-friendly interactive report that provides a snapshot of critical statistics related to the public K-12 teacher workforce in Kentucky. Information is provided at both the state and district levels.

Kentucky Workforce Dashboard

March 2023

The Kentucky Workforce Dashboard is a user-friendly tool that local workforce areas can use to inform the impact of services in their area.

Postsecondary Feedback Report

March 2023

Earning a postsecondary credential can unlock opportunities, but a student’s odds of success can vary based on the institution they attend, the credential they pursue, and the content area of their studies. This interactive report allows users to explore outcomes for students by Kentucky’s postsecondary institutions, major, credential type, and demographic.

Labor Force Update

February 2023

The Labor Force Update highlights recent data releases from the Labor Market Information section of KYSTATS and elsewhere.

Civilian Labor Force Report

January 2023

This interactive report allows users to explore estimates from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics' Local Area Unemployment Statistics (LAUS) program and the Current Population Survey (CPS).

Work Ready Communities

November 2022

A Kentucky Work Ready Community certification is a measure of a county's workforce quality. This interactive report helps communities assess their progress in achieving the Work Ready criteria.

Talent Pipeline Management

August 2022

This dashboard shows outcomes for those employers and employees associated with Talent Pipeline Management® (TPM®), an employer-led and demand driven approach for businesses to create and manage talent ‘supply chains’. Metrics included from KYSTATS include employment retention by age and wage groups and credential earners by area, institution, and major. The dashboard also includes TPM® employer-provided projected jobs.

Career and Technical Education Feedback Report

August 2022

This interactive report examines high school Career and Technical Education (CTE) trends in Kentucky and its association with employment and postsecondary outcomes later in life. The report also displays training locations and future demand for employment.

Economic Activity Report

May 2022

This interactive report allows users to explore economic trends among industries, business establishments, and individuals in Kentucky.

Unleashing the Power of the Kentucky Longitudinal Data System Across the Education through Workforce Continuum

November 2021

This report utilizes the depth of information in the KLDS to examine the 2008 8th grade cohort’s high school completion, postsecondary success, employment, and other outcomes.

Pandemic Immediate Postsecondary Enrollment

August 2021

This report explores the postsecondary enrollment of 2020 high school graduates during the summer or fall semesters of 2020. Trends from previous years are also investigated for comparison to 2020.

Employment Trends for Spring Credential Earners

June 2021

This interactive report shows third quarter employment of spring credential earners during their respective completion years. The third quarter employment of spring 2020 earners (pandemic year) is compared to the prior four years of spring credential earners (pre-pandemic years). Users can filter by credential, ethnicity, gender, major group, race, and region.

Evolve 502

May 2021

This interactive dashboard was built to help inform decisions and outcomes for the Evolve 502 population. The goal at Evolve 502 is to support students as they pursue the dream of a college education. The Evolve 502 Scholarship, open to all eligible Jefferson County Public Schools Class of 2021 graduates, will allow students to attend any Kentucky Community & Technical College or Simmons College of Kentucky. The Evolve 502 Scholarship may be used to earn an associate degree, workforce credential, or as a pathway to earn a four-year degree.

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